Python code for a search feature I believe is what chat got put out here

Here's an example Python code that allows you to search for a song by name and popularity. The code assumes that you have a CSV file containing song data with columns for "name" and "popularity", and that the file is named "song_data.csv". 

import csv

def search_songs_by_name_and_popularity(name, min_popularity):
    """Searches for songs with the given name and popularity above the given minimum"""
    with open('song_data.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
        matches = []
        for row in reader:
            if row['name'].lower() == name.lower() and int(row['popularity']) >= min_popularity:
        return matches

# Example usage:
results = search_songs_by_name_and_popularity('Shape of You', 80)
for result in results:
    print(result['name'], result['popularity'])

The `search_songs_by_name_and_popularity()` function takes two arguments: `name` and `min_popularity`. The `name` argument is the name of the song you want to search for, and `min_popularity` is the minimum popularity score that you want to search for. 

The function opens the "song_data.csv" file using the `csv` module and reads each row as a dictionary using `csv.DictReader()`. It then checks if the name of the song in the current row matches the `name` argument (case-insensitive) and if the popularity score in the current row is greater than or equal to the `min_popularity` argument. If both conditions are true, it adds the row to a list of matches.

Finally, the function returns the list of matches. You can then loop through the results and print out the name and popularity score of each matching song.


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