Looking for a web based program that will crawl my entire blog and create a word cloud -Donate via Paypal by contacting us via e-mail and well send a Paypal money request for your desired amount say a cup of coffee (which is like 6$ in Israel today)



  1. Lakinkfirkfir@gmail.com is the contact email

  2. https://agreatresourcewebsite.blogspot.com/2022/01/bben-g17-173-inch-gaming-laptop-i7-cpu.html read

  3. https://agreatresourcewebsite.blogspot.com/p/donate.html

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  5. There are several web-based programs that can crawl your blog and create a word cloud. Here are some options you can consider:

    WordClouds.com - This website offers a free tool that allows you to create word clouds from any text, including your blog. Simply copy and paste your blog's content into the tool, and it will generate a word cloud based on the most frequently used words. You can customize the font, color scheme, and layout of the cloud to your liking.

    TagCrowd.com - TagCrowd is another free tool that can create a word cloud from your blog's content. It also allows you to customize the appearance of the cloud, and provides options for filtering out common words or phrases.

    WordItOut.com - WordItOut is a free word cloud generator that offers advanced customization options, such as the ability to choose specific words or phrases to include or exclude from the cloud.

    Before using any of these tools, be sure to check their terms of service and privacy policies to ensure that they are compatible with your needs. Additionally, keep in mind that these tools may not be able to crawl every page of your blog, depending on how it is structured and hosted.


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