
Showing posts from March, 2023

Wellness and high performance research from Chat GPT and Nightcafe AI

Open sidebar Wellness and High Performance. There is a conversation about wellness culture vs high performance culture. Our theory goes that wellness culture defines success and ultimately leads to high performance. What is your take on this? From a general perspective, wellness culture and high-performance culture can both lead to success, but they may have different approaches and focuses. Wellness culture emphasizes the importance of overall well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health. This approach often involves practices such as meditation, yoga, healthy eating, and adequate rest. When individuals prioritize their well-being, they may be better equipped to handle stress, have more energy, and perform at their best. On the other hand, high-performance culture focuses on achieving specific goals and objectives, often through hard work, dedication, and competitive drive. This approach may involve long hours, intense focus, and a willingness to push oneself to the li

Is the internet too big now to get your NFT art to have value again?

Or is the internet so big that your NFT art will now have more value as interest grows? We live in a world that is full of nonsensical violence. The most waste of time is to spend it on hate. The best thing to do in the world is to learn how to live in peace with all the peoples of the Earth. I call on all good people in this planet to stave away from conducting any type of violence and to employ safe measures in self defense only. It is clear that there is the idea of protecting oneself from the harms of the world and it is true that we must as a society go for being healthy, wealthy and happy. Maybe it's the 3 oclock brick wall or morning coffee talking, however it is clear that there must be a way to ensure that only good exists between one and each other on the entire planet, starting with yourself and or your significant kin. The Universe works in mysterious ways to bring about all kinds of great good to the world and that people are inherently good if we only give them the ch