Donate simple and easy pay it forward in a secure and ethical way

Are you looking for the ability to support a great cause? Even just an ethically grown organic coffee will do, as we all need Joe everyday with the way we live in todays world. There are many who don't drink coffee however the masses do drink the hallowed brew and elixir of life, coffee. We're at it everyday to give the best possible way. Let me know what you think through guest bloggin, comments, sharing, donation or any media that supports the site and if you have the ability pay it forward.
We're looking to grow our presence online and upkeep the site, which is not much more than $60 USD per month. Sponsor our work as we talk about life and trends that will bring true peace to the world. Maybe it's just having enough money to support an in home office, buying a solid laptop or making peace with oneself, however cash or credit is critical in todays method. Got an NFT you don't need? We'll be able to sort out the details in Canada as any donation there is tax deductible and check with your accountant for other countries. We've finally achieved some semblance of peace and everyone is hoping and praying that war games will be the only true need for an army :) what is better than having a huge force the engineers entire cities and all things like that. I'm sure all the forces at play will be more than happy when people are happy and just a simple way to ensure that there is no need for any kind of violence at all. Practice makes perfect and study history as history just repeats itself.
To you and to yours a wonderful day


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  2. 0xc875fa21c9486F4A8b62e24490FB06836923B862 our eth address


  4. thanks for the continued support everyone.


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