New Post Built Friday

just some thoughts on the world news. Loved the Biden Thanksgiving speech. 

remember though that the markets can do anything

so far the only way to type your ideas on an offline windows computer seems to be in the good ole notepad, which for programng reasons needs to stay on board. Getting help is an incredible way of ensuring that your ways are true and that your actions are true to the best of your ability. Its like you can continue to constantly pine, want or get it (like when you need something as bad as one needs to breathe). It all depends on your outlook in like like how much you want to do and what it is that keeps you going, to give to others as much as possible ofcourse. The greatest way I guess is to just have the right luck at the right time, if that is even possible. Do you look for laptop computers from websites or is this like an actual blog/journal. I guess dear reader you need to decide as there is alwas something that you may want to read or that is of good insight to you, that je ne sais quo of life where things just fit in and you dont know why, and then everything really comes together and you see the great open miracle that is that thing that we call life. I love nature docmentaries, they are really great ways to learn of the essence or Universe of giving nature to Always give. What do you dear reader call this tenet of being a giving creature, because apparently accordingly passing it on has such a positive impact on giving back to the person whom actually gives. It would be an honour to have your patronage on our site dear reader that you will be able to one day read this post as it might contain just the right item that you so need for your daily. As you might be a student, or a businessman. Maybe even a professor or an company that provides essential services to people at critical times. Whatever it may be we are very please and happy that even if you read this post and you bring good to the person next to you, considering self care is not a selfish thing. Then and only then will you realize how to live to bring in the greatest era of your life. It may not be instant but even a want to change yourself for the good already puts you and signs you as a good person. Trust us dear reader that these concepts are not only true, but they hold the secret to a long life, if we can only self care and then take care of others, like putting on your own oxygen mask before he;[ing someone else with theirs. It is a simple and followable guide to life. Does this feel right? Is this a proper thing to do? Am I taking care of myself, my family and the others around me to then have a good thing to do. And especially if that person is in need, to send help and support their cause as much as is possible per person. It is a great wonder how these pass it forward events really work somehow. Like its called pass the buck or something (this blog post seems more like a chat than anything else, am I right?). The food preparing itself smells amazing. All is for the best. We do everything just right, as is the way of old. We are now in the proper path that on our site there are all kinds of great computers. Also if this makes it to the main site, you will be able to read this amazing blog post about life and concepts and computers on: This seems to be a great day as we might actually be able to connect our next site on some great website (like, which we tested on a mac, but couldnt get the video card to run). We hope to be able to get one of our current 8GB pieces of Ram and the GPU of this computer as well if there is one (we will hopefully buy a GPU and have the credit card work on Ok well as blog posts go that you want to put online as soon as possible, we get weary and need a break from the typing. Do we end the post here? or continue at a later date. You decide. BTW typing in notepad without the spellcheck makes a nice difference and being on an actual keyboard after all this time is like a proper workout.  KUDOS to learning in the like fourth grade how to type! All the best and have a great Friday.
To the fans:


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