Fwd: Frum Man in Jail Pleads for Help

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From: Ohr Shlomo <info@merkavamarketing.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 at 1:43
Subject: Frum Man in Jail Pleads for Help
To: <lakinkfirkfir@gmail.com>

Help a Young Father Receive Critical Medical and Legal Assistance


Yisroel G., a 34-year-old Lubavitch father of three young children, is involuntarily incarcerated in a state facility after years of untreated mental illness. Once a talented entertainer spreading joy and laughs throughout the community, he has been imprisoned in the system for the last 4 years and needs help getting out and remaining healthy.  

He urgently needs funds for medical care, legal representation, and other necessities.

Without your support, Yisroel risks further deterioration, making his fight for recovery and a normal life even harder.  As the Gemara (Bava Basra 8b) teaches, captivity is worse than death, and the mitzvah of piydon shvuyim (redeeming captives) is one of the highest acts of kindness. This is an opportunity to directly help someone in dire need, to open your heart and offer assistance. 

Leading Rabbonim, including Rabbi Aron Lankry and Rabbi Ariel Mekaiten, have ruled this as a case of piydon shvuyim, a mitzvah of the highest level. Please give generously and help this man get the help he so urgently needs to reclaim his life and return to his family. 

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