Fwd: 🗝 The Knife of Brocha for a Year of Abundant and Easy Parnassah🗝‏

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From: KUPAT HAIR SEGULA <info@merkavamarketing.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 at 23:44
Subject: 🗝 The Knife of Brocha for a Year of Abundant and Easy Parnassah🗝‏
To: <lakinkfirkfir@gmail.com>

🗝 The Knife of Brocha for a Year of Abundant and Easy Parnassah🗝‏


Receive directly from the hands of
Maran HGR"S Galay shlit"a
a silver knife engraved with a personal inscription,
a segula for wealth.

Rav Shimon Galai shlit"a requested that the following words should be engraved on the knife:

"A brocha to Kupat Ha'ir donors that in the merit of the tzedakah, middah k'negged middah
They will merit abundant and easy parnassah in the upcoming year 5785
and much nachas, b'ezras HaShem"

Receive the Knife of Brocha for a Year of Abundant and Easy Parnassah


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