Fwd: The Chofetz Chaim Will Advocate for you on Rosh Hashana

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From: KUPAT HAIR <info@merkavamarketing.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 at 23:12
Subject: The Chofetz Chaim Will Advocate for you on Rosh Hashana
To: <lakinkfirkfir@gmail.com>

The Advocate for the Yom HaDin- Maran the Chofetz Chaim on his yahrtzeit


Tomorrow!!! On the 24th of Elul 

Kupat Ha'ir emissaries are traveling to the holy kever of the Chofetz Chaim.
 They'll request him to act as a personal advocate before the Borei Olam
on the Yom HaDin
To mention the merit of the tzedaka to Kupat Ha'ir for a good and sweet year.
For the first time: A double certificate!!
After the tefillah, on the holy kever the Kupat Ha'ir emissaries will place a 
Certificate of Advocacy for the Yom HaDin 

A copy of the certificate will be sent to the donor.


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