Fwd: 80,000 children will not be starting school this year

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From: The Jerusalem Post <newsletter-feedback@jpost.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 at 18:25
Subject: 80,000 children will not be starting school this year
To: <Lakinkfirkfir@gmail.com>

- In cooperation with Adcore -

PLEASE share this email with everyone you know!

Give 80,000 Children a Chance to learn and Ride Again 🇮🇱

As the new school year approaches, many children are looking forward to reuniting with friends and continuing their education.

However, for 80,000 children in Israel, this year will be different. Many of them won't be starting school, as their lives have been upended by the Oct 7 war, forcing them to flee their homes and leave everything behind.

This year we will be offering those kids a lifeline through our school and after-school bike workshops and courses. These programs are designed not only to teach essential skills but also to provide a sense of normalcy and a supportive community where children can learn, grow, and regain confidence.

Our workshops and courses offer these children a chance to engage in physical activity, develop new skills, and experience the joy and freedom that riding a bike can bring. More importantly, they create a positive and constructive environment that helps these kids continue their education, even when their world has been turned upside down.


The more support we receive, the more workshops we can offer. Every donation makes a difference.


Your generous donations provide these children with the opportunity to persist and chase their dreams, even in the face of adversity.


Together, we can give these 80,000 children the support and hope they need, and build a better future.


Discover the impact of your donation through our Social Media updates!

🚲 🚲 🚲

Thank you for standing with us!
Keep smiling and keep riding

Adcore Inc. in cooperation with Dovik Foundation, donations are tax-deductible

in the US, Canada, Australia, and Israel.


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