how long is it possible to blog about a subject that brings traffic to the site. Would you even consider reading a whole topic in the header of the site. how long is the longest link that is allowed to be and would it even be considered to be spider food

Totally out of ideas of what to write about. What would you write about if you were in a position like mine?
So for example weve developed a few blogs, a retail service site and a blog writing service to have links to your own personal website.

and our Janglo based service:
(Janglo Blog writing coupon link needs to be added here), and we have so much work to do and enough clients to hire another person, however we are totally stuck with funds.
What would you do dear reader, friend or compatriart? With payments looming to keep the site going, how would you expect that this or anythign weve worked on to begin to Pay it Forward as they say.
We did say that even if one computer sold that would entail enough of a response to get a pro forma going for investment.
Also weve dabblled in what may be called the Pay it Forward formulation of what it takes to bring social serivces, investment and overall good to the world.
Surprised about what I read in the news today about the Uber service losing its legla battle to those who needed special attention to get in and out of vehicles. Back in the day Uber was only for Limousine drivers who had heavy duty vehicles. I wonder why this even became and issue and why Google didnt stay strong and true to its original form about being a search service that would change the world and provide the world with ifnormation it sorely needed to bring together the best and brightest information to people when they needed it. To support the world as a social force that would protect the weak and support the strong who would eventually protect the weak. Just like our Starbucks article that mentioend how amazing Starbucks was and wy (insert link here about starbucks from our site). Its a shame there is any violence at all today in the world. Were talking post pandemic 2022, where Utopia is the main calling of the worlds needs. To ensure the greatest pleasure for the most amount of people. With such amazing tecnology available in the world, how is it today that there is not a huge Pay it Forward moevment that is not lacking in any way? Everyone knows that true capitalism is through human capital and that being said to educate the people from early on about financing their dreams, by living simply and even in a lavish lifestlye. There is not much to say against wearing pyjamas whereever you go and eating sushi, doing yoga (which means any type of excercise that doesnt hurt(the listen to your body mantra)). Where did we go wrong? I have taken a hint from the famous Shaquelle Oneal himself whom is an amzing humanitarian, and does good wherever and whenever he goes.
What does it take to bring fruition to a beautiful world and all enjoy their families as well as building great income flow with savings and the such, so that each and every person is living their best life and that we can somehow as a society (or maybe just me if thats what is expected of me) to do the right thing all the time and just let go of ego. I guess wisdom comes with age.
I am so curious to know what you think dear reader about this and any posts on our site, mainly what is possible to do as a society to ensure that crime stops, people are fed and sheltered, and that everyone smiles all day and everyday during their sojourn on this planet we have. We only have one planet as of now, what will it take to ensure our planet is always oxygen rich, our oceans clean and thriving with fish, and no need or even mention of WOMD?
What do the experts and pundits think may alter the course of history for the greatest period of mankind ever? I personally like freshly cut french fries with peel, tossed in a bowl with salt, ketchup and vinegar. Serve that on an ergonomic dish with a french fry fork, and see people lining up to your stations all day long ( I think). I am also into sushi. Love it. And yoga (10000steps a day anyone?). There must be so many ways to bless someone everyday, to do one act of kindess or bless one person if possible. Today I'm stuck in my finances, but who knows what tomorrow may bring? A miracle? A sudden blessing from someone else? Maybe I'll stumble across a bejeweled egg that a Saudi prince has chosen to discard or give to a lucky person? Who knows.
its 26 degrees here in a cool evening in Jerusal;e,m. But Im still wearing my minimized winter hoodie. For once I guess Im jsut blogging about daily life or the ngihts creation living on. AMazing thing this planet of ours and how we/I take it for granted the amazing turn of events to being born and healthy for the most part. Happy Birthday to all SUmmer Babies. I hope I get to wish you your happy day here or on our persona; threads. Its been years since Ive had the freedom and soem of my wits to continue blogging and working through life. I wonder where we rank in Google search for coffee and concepts. Is it that my blogs just dont cover the right infromation or that keywords are too far apart in relevance? What is the issue with my site that weve seen all of 3000 views and 94 sucbirbers in the first year. Has my research about the global situation (how the earth has the space for atleast a trillion inhabitnas and if we move to an energy based economy than everyone will be educated, healthy, well fed, sheltered and happy)?
I also have my 240 point task list which I barely scratch the surface as I dont seem to have the wherewithall to achieve my goals in life. What is detracting from me the ability to be a good person? I just wish I had a stable income, like our friend from Marketwatch who makes 100K a year in slary and only pay 10 grand a year in rent. Man if I had that kind of scratch I'd practially save all of it and eat all the time, excercise all the time, and be just happy. Science does prove that "money buys happiness: until the diminshing law of return above 100K USD does nothing to be more happy in this world. So whats the point with all the war? Because people have been indocitraneted to hate each other for no reason whatsoever?
Maybe I;m delineating from the task at hand, but its proven that crime dissapears as strong social programs (say a free $500 CDN dollars a month to all residents of the country from the government). How do we ensure stable government? With healthy stable people that is. SO if somehow everyone became mentally healthy overnight (or over say even a ten year period), and that people just live healthy and fun lives, and each person finds their true soul mate or whatever it is, what else is there? Travel? getting in touch with nature? Maybe its reaching out to your family or parents, talking to people, being just a great social person, or not. I guess just being yourself is the main item too. As everyone wants to live that good life.

Anyways, back to work I guess. Thanks for reading and letting me vent to the world, of just to you dear reader.

Pay it Forward All.
There is no other thing in life that is more important.
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Great product and available for sale immediately to you to how blog posts might be created here in excel and how do they post to the web?
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what does it take to blog well in 2022 as the market for blogs and ifnromational and transcational data is posted to the web
are these even questions with coherent answers to the main questions posted here as to pay it forward
what are examples of paying it forward in 2022
donate to a worthy cause through the net on your platform
buy yourself a great coffee and somequiet space to work from on the web
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how to sand proof your laptop in 2022 to work from the beach
how does one make friencds in 2022 with all kinds of lockdowns and other measures taken aroudn the world
what are the cannabis laws in your country in 2022
will big business ruin organic farming of cannabis? or will the need for organic and clean free range everything take over and business will adhere to clean and orgnaic everything as people want the green intitaitves to take over
how long before the virus is just an endemic or less in 2022
what does it take to make sales to this website this year and as soon as possible
why do e-mails get stuck when sending online or is it just an issue with the provider?
how does prayer work and when should I expect results from being a good person and hoping to have the best for everyone in the world or just working on myself advice from the creator himself?
where to post questions like this, does Quora have a bulk question api? that works with excel?
in the search for money does one finally realize that everything is set from Heavan and that success is just good luck?
does the unicef world program app really work to feed people around the world?
how many ways are there to cook really tasty rice in these countries and feature them on the blog?
where do you get your coffee and are there coffee clubs around the world to get all kinds of beans from good and ethical sources?
what do I really look like spiritually and will we be able to bring images into the real world or will the spiritual world turn phsyical and what does it all mean?
is it critical to first be a good person and then to see if you can help someone else?
what are the main items that can imrpove your health in 2022 and see if we can double the average age expectancy to double the current of 88 years old and how long will that take?
Am I even doing the right thing right now by beaing creative with the ifnromation probvided yesterday about how blogs are made and that even AI's from Ahref autoblog with content
Is it really possible or probable to make a website that makes over a million dollars a year for the blogger?
How is it possible to make sense of life or connect with the right friends to bring about the healthiest results possible about life?
will this one blog post be able to get answers and attain the Pay it Forward company designation for the whole word or just us?
What does it mean to pay it forward?
I guess the idea of paying it forward is that when someone does good for you, you do good for someone else or them in return. To be the best human person you can be without detracting from your overall physicall, mental or spiritual health.
I always believed starbucks was a pay it forward company for the following reasons:
1. if you do not have enough money for even a small coffee, they will give you an accurate amount of brew for the change you have in your pocket.
2. They allow their washrooms to be clean and available to all people and not just someone who has bought a drink.
3. They give out glasses of water even in their bigest cups for people who come in without needing to pay for the cup.
4. They allow free access to the trimmings like honey, brown sugar,chocolate powder, nutmeg? powder and the cinnamon ofcourse (all antioxidants and very healthy) of which you can add to your water even or coffee of your choice.
5. free wifi
6. Amazing and cheerful staff (always the best staff, amazing people really probably the best HR in the world works at Starbucks)
7. Decorum of the patrons, knwoing that you are in a safe place with Wifi that will allow you to work
8. Not sure if the Starbucks deal on the Starbucks card is still available, but you are able to have free refills on basic coffee with the opurchase of a drink.
Will Messiah come this year during this three week period?
With some tumult in the world with Iran having access to a nuclear plan (other than for feeding their own energy needs, and the anti America and Israel rhetoric), Russia using real military force on another country (invasion as the media calls it), whilst there is good with making a new stratgic alliance in the Middle East from the Western allies, what will happen to markets and the base fiannces of our indivdual needs? Will we be able to find a way to solve the leadership of these coutnries to a peaceful situation? So we may not need to worry whre our next meal will come from and that all will be well in the world, and end the fighting. Not sure why Iran is so girdled to destroy America and Israel?
Do people know that China is the #1 investor in American T bills?
How is it possible to know the entire chinese alphabet with thousands of letters in their alphabet?
Will we find ned data that suggests that yes there is the ability to find stability and peace, that will lead to strong markets, growth and a one for all statute for the G7 and the world over, including those that are alot less hardliners and more about ensuring peace and prosperity through health systems in Israel.
and good luck and the right type of work, mainly intelligence as well as hard work go hand in hand. It is critical to bring the actual best information and become an authroity in the field of yourchoosing and then share it to the world through your blogs. You will also need some sort of item that will bring you income and the Youtube bloogers say it will be about a year before you see income, however you will need products on your website and as well ads to your blogs, and with the right traffic (eyeballs) and ranking you should see that "passive: incone come in. ALthough you might find that it is hard work, it is more than anything to be persisient in a healthy way. We work more than anything to bring you these concepts: should talk more about some endemics in teh UNited States for exzample the addiction to painkillers endemic that has sweeped the nation, however on the bright side many states are moving to legalize cannabis which segments this and allows people to really enjoy their lives, especially if you get the right strain meant for you for example something with equal amounts THC and CBD (this is what was shown to work the best in clinical trials, however dont quoate me check with your physician to discuss this). Also we talk about Coffee, Concepts and Computers, namely our search for the best source in the world for ehtically grown coffee, concepts such as social financing from governments to support each and every person in that country, for example with social programs (money to those in need right away versus the credit system, for those who dont know) and also our computer websiteL that also has its own blog. but the video talks about it taking a year to make 1000$ per month, which makes sense. Blogs are a Google driven business.

What would be the most professional way of sharing a view of total peace and Utopia in the world.
For example did you know that the way to making space and for farming in the world, there are HUGE swaths of land say in Canada and Russia that have yet to have people live there. There is so much space in teh world that experts say there is space on the planet for about 1 Trillion people, and here we are worrying with all of 7.5 BIllion people. THrough the organic free range mcdonalds setup, there is a way to ensure that there is quality, healthy and not obesogenic foods the world over, including living quarters, social programs, financing all companies somewhat if need be and goals of building a business with say just your computer, a phone line and your experience and skills as an entrepnuer, business person or whatever it is that you do. Customer Service is on its own a Pay It Forward position, where you might be able to professionally do the right thing all day and give people, animals or nature the ability to sustain us humans here on planet earth. (Almost 4 am here on 7.19.2022 in the middle east city(gess which city?).

I guess its also about being happy, which means being happy with ones lot in life, which is not easily achievable unless you have atleast one good friend in this experience we call life. We are not really writing about how to live on this world, but more the preparation of what it takes to achieve happiness (hence health, welath and happiness in the title of our website).

For example I always wanted to get a position at Google and/or work in a company that cheers on and supports visionaries that disrupt markets (technical talk for good people that fill a need in society through technology). What the goal of this post is to align all kinds of questions that are on the docket and ask the professional world to bring these items into furition using their many years of experience. For example if an ex president who shall remain nameless that has run major corporations his whole life and mainly mass hotel chains (cough, cough) that would build a strong economy. Remember it is human capital (the value of the intelligence and outcome of your favourite humans working at your favourite companies) that will drive value added traffic to the eyeballs of your said customers. Maybe its our product list, maybe its our lot in life, but we were able to drive around $300 in sales in the first year and practically break even on costs (blogging and making an ecommerce site also creates a very hungry all the time eating and excercising and resting site.
Ah the run on sentences catch up and weve learnt in the dropshipping makret that even with spelling mistakes youve got to keep on typing. We also had a learning curve in regards to the bitcoin mining sites we were following, but hey, Bitcoin is not dead and there is hope still for the resurgance of an Crypto Currency. We did go with the autoposting about NFT's and now we focus mainly on daily updates of NFT should we find that they match our site requirements. Maybe we strained too far away from the niche, however it was recomendded to follow up on this trend as well. Not sure what caused such a huge crypto crach, but Bitcoin itself the originator was able to keep very stable, much like the American DOllar of the crypto world vis a vis. a strong American DOllar. I like to think that there is a way to reach out or have ready a site that detials many of the aspects, as there are some cool searches on our site like long blog post. Also we have a blogpost writing service where we for $80 will write a 350 word article and feature them on both or sites, in order to further the growth of your site and products as well. Just contact us and we will respond with a Paypal money request (all above board and best practices of the market). Not sure what else we are able to write about from our expertise. Also we offer the guarantee that your product will arrive in brand new condition, shipped at the speed of your choice. Oh and if you see anything on AliExpress that you want shipped to you in your location, well be able to add it to our website and then act as an concierge serivce to ensure the product(s) arrive to your address through our product management (dropshipping) service. Feel free to also donate to us through paypal, or leave a tip on our site. ALl you have to do is either send us the product you want, or buy from our site, or contact us and we will send you a Paypal request.

1. Secure against war
2. Ensure health
2a) beefed and intelligently run (technology based) flex
2b) feed (organic, free range MCdonalds style food (Popeyes is amazing as well)
2c) social access to feed
3. Amazing organic and free range farming
4. social access to housing
5. education through higher learning and equal opportnity for all
6. significant crime reduction through social programds (Edmonton scoail assistance experiment gone amazingly well)
7. Victoria BC - access to clean locations to do drugs, however with social services right there to ensure sopping up of those to get off the drugs and back into society as a healthy individual
8. Lots of sports to watch
9. Zoom schooling asap for all that missed their education in the pandemics mess.
10. Pay it Forward
do something nice for atleast one person everyday in order to garner assistance from the Universe

How much spider food do you have to feed these tiny creatures that crawl the web and ensure you find the information you are looking for. I recall in my early years when Google's main raison de etre was to ensure people found key information they needed as quickly and as organized as possible, the biggest dewey decimal system in the world. Today we have search engines to thank for transactional and ifnromational data, but how deep does it really go? Are there books online like ranked, so its easy to find a topic you might be interested in and write an entire book based on Google research. Or a topic for a paper. Is Google today even allowed in sources when researching for academic and medical topics? I recally as a yousngeter there was a medical serach engine. Does it still work there today? Imagine a world whre peace reigns supreme and war is a thing of the past. Where you play sports more than anything and learn education and eat well and everything just works well? Please forgive my grammar, for altought grammar means magic in old English/latin (which means to say if you have the proper grammar in your klanguage you have the right outcome from your speech or writing, which plays super critical in programming, where even one comma in the wrong place doesn't allow the code to work properly).

I guess the 70's was the last time everyone in the world or especially the American Hippy culture just wanted peace. But how do we attain this peace? What do we need to do to attain a great life?


Anyways I'm getting hungry and frustrated, usually a sign that I need a break, or a coffee, or that my system is computing.

Tootles friends.



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