Shalvat Chayim Israel : One of the foremost firms that brings together the Jewish Community

 Through the help and support of this firm, we have been able to bring health, wealth and happiness to those suffering from mental illness and those with disabilities as well. I am sharing the link to our blog post in order to bring you closer to being able to donate for us to have all those that require this assisted living in order to live day to day. Your help and support is much appreciated. All the best and wishing you an amazing outcome of your day. Paying It Forward the best way we are able to:

Shalvat Chayim Donation Page 100% Tax Deductible Internationally

The ISraeli version of the site links:

If you are looking for an amazing place to donate and as well have a full tax credit in your country of choice (all legality considered and accounted for), just click on either link above and feel free to contact or donate through the web. All details will be provided.

Thanks and all the best,

Kfir Kfir.


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